New graduate course on green transition awarded research grant
The KU 2023 strategy project has awarded DKK 50.000 to the new graduate course Knowledge-holders, Problem-solvers, and Crisis-managers: International Organizations and the Green Transition
The KU 2023 strategy project on Green Education, Research and Community Engagement has awarded DKK 50.000 to the new graduate course Knowledge-holders, Problem-solvers, and Crisis-managers: International Organizations and the Green Transition in a collaboration between Associate Professor Jens Ladefoged Mortensen, Department of Political Science, and Associate Professor Iben Nathan, Institute of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO), both University of Copenhagen.
The idea is to qualify students to work in international organizations on Green Transition, especially related to climate change, to become “Green Governors”. Apart from introducing the academic literature on global governance and green transition, the course will be closely integrated with practice of green governance in the sense that the students, as part of their curriculum, will contribute with analyses and new ideas that could be directly applied in the work of the respective organization.